Electoral Board Meetings - Meetings of the Prince William County Electoral Board are open to all members of the public. Public comments are allowed at the end of the meeting for all who appear in person and sign up. Public notices for these meeting appear on this page and at our office.
Polling Places and Early Voting Sites - Poll watchers are authorized representatives of a party or candidate allowed inside the polling place on Election Day or at an early voting location. A poll watcher must present the Chief Officer of Election with an authorization form or letter signed by the party chair or candidate.
Pre-Processing/Central Absentee Precinct – The processing of absentee ballots can be observed by an authorized representatives of a party or candidate who presents an authorization form or letter signed by the party chair or candidate.
Post-Election Canvass – Canvass is the process of reviewing, confirming, and recording the official local results of each election. This is performed by election officers and the session is open to the public (based on space availability). The provisional hearing portion performed by the Electoral Board is a closed session and not open to the public. Provisional adjudication is performed by the Board and can be observed by authorized representatives of a party or campaign.
All election officers must:
Be a registered voter of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Not hold an elected position, or be the employee of an elected official.
Be available to attend all mandatory training.
Be available from 5:00am to 9:00pm on Election Day without leaving the polling place.
Arrive at the polling place no later than 5:00 AM on Election Day.
Set up voting equipment and prepare the polling place for voting.
Check in voters at the polling place.
Assist voters as requested.
Maintain a polling place that is orderly and accessible to all voters.
Accurately report results and complete paperwork to verify election information.
Close the polling place at 7:00 PM and remain until all closing duties have been completed and you have been dismissed by the Chief.
APPLICATION: Complete an application with Prince William County to become an election officer. We must verify your eligibility and process your application which can take up to 1-2 weeks.
ASSIGNMENT: You will receive an email with your assignment to a polling place approximately 6 weeks prior to each election. Not all officers will be assigned to each election based on varying workforce needs and Virginia Code requirements related to location and bipartisan representation.
TRAINING: If assigned, you must complete a training course prior to each election. Your training will be customized to your work position, election work experience, and the type of election, etc. Training will cover information you need to know prior to the election and how to serve voters on Election Day. Your assignment letter will include details on how to sign up for training.
Effective March 1st 2024, Officers receive the following payment stipend for working Election Day:
Chiefs $300
Assistant Chief $250
Equipment Provisional Specialist $225
Election Officer $200
Spanish Language additional $25
Your required training is included in this stipend. A $25 bonus is paid to election officers for each of the following situations:
Qualified officers that complete an additional workshop as an Election Equipment Specialist (appointed by the Office of Elections Staff).
Chiefs (or the appointed officer) that picks up the Chief materials.
The Chief and additional officer that together return election materials and ballots to the Office of Elections on Election Day.
Payments are issued approximately four weeks after each election. You will receive your payment via direct deposit and must be registered in the County's Vendor system (Mobius).
Virginia law requires training and registration for some individuals and groups conducting voter registration drives. Specifically, groups and individuals that obtain 25 or more voter registration applications from ELECT or a local registrar’s office must register with ELECT or in person at the general registrar and take training (Va. Code § 24.2-416.6). Groups printing their own registration applications and engaging in registration drives are also strongly encouraged to register and receive this training.
Both the registration process and training can be completed online, or in-person at the Department of Elections or at a local voter registration office (Prince William County Voter Office of Elections is located at 9250 Lee Ave Ste. 1, Manassas, VA 20110).
At least one agent of the organization seeking to obtain applications must complete the training and certify that that the organization will require training for all persons collecting completed voter registration applications from applicants on behalf of the organization. However, if any other individual requests more than 25 applications (even if they claim to represent a group which has already received the training), the individual is still required to complete the training prior to receiving the requested applications. In sum, each individual or agent requesting applications must receive the training.
Other groups and individuals conducting voter registration drives that obtain their registration applications through other means are strongly encouraged, but not required, to receive training prior to conducting a drive.
Upon completion of in-person training, the group or individual will receive a certificate stating that they have completed the required training for conducting registration drives in the Commonwealth. The certification is valid until June 30th each year upon which time the training must be completed again in order to renew the certification.
For more information on the training requirements please contact your local voter registration office or ELECT at 1-800-552-9745.
For more information, download a (PDF) with complete instructions or the module to register and begin online training can be found here.